March 9, 2014 - The Elder Scrolls: Online & We Are Recruiting!

Fist of the North will be making its mark on the land of Tamriel! We've decided to make the move to The Elder Scrolls Online as they have made major improvements to the game
and it looks absolutely amazing. The RvR system has major Epic and Huge scale. We can see ourselves in this game for a long time with its strong RvR and
diverse class-building system. We will be joining the Daggerfall Covenant faction.
For this game we are opening up recruitment on a semi-large scale. Fist of the North wants to be able to field multiple people throughout the day to take
part in the game's massive amount of content and to do so we need to open up recruitment. There will be an initiation period to see if you feel comfortable with
us and vice versa.
Please check out our JOIN page for more information and apply on our
The game is set for release on April 4, 2014!
November 9, 2012 - New Updates for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Bethesda has released the first trailer with some details regarding their upcoming MMORPG slated for a 2013 release. It releases the first solid information about
the gameplay directly from the developer.
Some of the highlights are:
1) Classic Elder Scrolls Combat.
2) Player classes, but freedom of choice in regards to gear.
3) Tons of customization options.
4) Hundres of players on the screen at once.
5) No Shard/Servers, everyone shares a server - Mega Server is the technology's name.
6) Keep Warfare PvP, from any level.
7) Help your faction, and it's leaders, actually lead the server as the emporer.
8) Large dungeons, multi-leveled, with accomodations to large raids.
9) Dynamic Quests.
10) Large focus on Exploration.
Fist members have mixed feelings about this game so far. We'll see how it goes during the upcoming year as information is slowly leaked out to us. Either way,
I am sure at least a couple members will be playing it.
November 1, 2012 - Brand New Website Launched!
Welcome to Fist of the North's new website! Please make yourself at home, check out our other pages, and enjoy!
As this is brand new, it's not 100% complete. We'll be adding and taking away over the next few weeks, tweaking our home site to perfection. We plan
to add pages containing pictures and content that is centered around Fist of the North and its members. We hope you enjoy your stay!
If you are an old Fist of the North member, please be assured that the guild is up, running, and prepared for the future. Check out the Current page to
see what current Fist members are playing. Check out the Roster page to find out who is currently playing with us on a regular basis, and as always drop by the
Forums and say hi! We always like seeing friendly, familiar faces.
Check back with us soon to see what new content we've added!
P.S. If you are an old FOTN member and have old screenshots from memories past, please post on the forums, even as a guest, and we'll get in contact with you to
get those ASAP.
Thanks, Management!